Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Deployment Murphy law number #2.... or how I almost killed the weed wacker

Murphy's law states that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong, and boy on monday afternoon it did go wrong. VERY WRONG!

Let me start off by say I HATE doing yard work. My hate for yard work started at an early age since one of my chores was to mow the yard on the ranch I grew up on. I had to mow probably at least half an acre with a push mower. So needless to say yard work and I don't get along too well. On monday it was no different. 

Being a good wife of a deployed sailor is hard. You have to do things you REALLY HATE doing, things like using the weed wacker. So monday afternoon I took my happy butt out to the backyard to do the yard work that my husband normally does. If you could have only seen me dear readers. There I was talking to myself, Ok Willow you can do this, its easy. Easy? Haha NOT! I must have pulled on that damn string to try start it 45 minutes. It would start for like 5 seconds then turn off. I for real wanted to kill it. I wanted to bring it above my head and hit the ground with it and scream, START YOU PIECE OF SHIT!! I of course didn't because my husband would hate me for that. Instead I sat in the middle of the back yard crying my eyes out. So far during this deployment I haven't really cried alot, but on monday I did. I then decided to email my husband and tell him all about it, 

I have tried for what seems forever to start that damn weed wacker and you know what? IT WON'T FUCKING START!!! Correction it will start but for half a second but after that NOTHING. OH AND THE FUCKING LAWN MOWER WON'T START AGAIN!!  I have had enough!! I freaking sat in the middle of the backyard and had a mini meltdown.
 I am taking the mower to Home Depot to have them look at it since its still under warranty and then I am going to workout.
The man was smart and didn't really say anything about it. He just knows when to just let me scream and yell at him LOL

So after everything I didn't get the weed wacker to start but I am ok with that cause I hate using it.

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